The Exposure Triangle


The Exposure Triangle determines what is needed to make the perfect picture image.


The aperture is the opening of the camera length which determines how much light goes into the camera and the focal length. It also determines the focus itself and the depth of field. The larger the aperture is open the less depth of field there is.


The ISO determines how grainy, clear or how sharp the image is. This happens depending on the light as the ISO is sensitive to light. The higher or lower the ISO then the less or more sensitive DSLR (digital single lens reflex) are to the light. The higher the ISO is then the more grainy the image will be.

Shutter Speed

The shutter speed is the length of time the digital sensor is in the light. Normally, people generally want it to be a 50th of a second but if you raise the shutter speed it could give you a motion blur. So the slower it is the more motion blur there will be.

White Balance

The White Balance is so the camera can determine what colour is white as it is not exactly like the human eye. As soon as it knows what it is white it can put all colours in to place so it looks realistic.

Frame Rate

Frame rate is how many frames are shown in a film per second. Anywhere below 24 fps and the film/video would become jittery but if the number was raised it would become slow motion.

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1 Response to The Exposure Triangle

  1. kendalcollegefilm says:

    This is brief but solid, Chantelle. You could illustrate your points better by using stock images or GIFs in demonstration.


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