Monthly Archives: February 2016

James Wan Research

I chose to look at James Wan’s work because he builds up a sequence up to a jump scare. I wanted to look at the way he used all things including sound effects and the shots he used to keep … Continue reading

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Three Point Lighting

Three point lighting includes three lights around the main subject that they are focusing on. There is the key light which is the main one which is usually at the front of the subject by the camera. There is the … Continue reading

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Researching Directors

David Yates David Yates did the last four Harry Potter films and is directing the new Wizarding World film. With the Harry Potter films they use lighting to show as many things as they can, with light, dark and the … Continue reading

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Film 9 – Planning

We have five weeks to create our short film. Our pre-production will be done in the first two weeks and a half where we sort everything out, including the shot list, floor plan, storyboards and practice shots. Near the end … Continue reading

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Multi Camera Evaluation

Over the last 3 weeks we have been researching, planning and producing a multi camera video, filming a band performing a song in groups. The song we were given was ‘Town Called Malice’ by The Jam. In my research I … Continue reading

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Multi Camera Stage Plan

Today we spent time looking at the stage where we will be filming the actual musical performance. We had to take pictures of where we would put the cameras on each person in the band e.g. the guitarist, drums, singer, … Continue reading

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The Jam Research

The Jam were an English punk rock band well known for theirĀ fast tempos and their specific look wearing tailored suits instead of ripped clothes. The group were together for ten years (1972-1982) and when they split up they re-released 15 … Continue reading

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